
Beginners Guide To UPSC Preparation


The Union Public Service Commission conducts one of the highest level examinations in India. Every year lakhs of candidates apply for the civil services exam with an aim to enter the Indian bureaucracy. However, the path to achieving this goal requires strategic preparation, hard work and dedicated studies.

Various posts are included for which the exam is conducted by UPSC, but the Indian Administrative Services attract the greatest number of aspirants. For beginners who are new to the UPSC preparation and look forward to joining the administrative arm of All India Services, given below are tips that can help achieve this goal. To learn more about the IAS Exam, candidates can visit the linked article.

10 Magical Tips for IAS Exam Preparation

1. Analyse the Exam Pattern and Syllabus – For beginners, the first step before starting the exam preparation is to carefully analyse the exam pattern and the syllabus for the IAS Exam. It is highly comprehensive with both subjective and objective papers, thus, having a clear idea and familiarity with the syllabus is a must

2. Strategise a Study Plan/Time Table – Once the candidate has gone through the syllabus, the next step must be setting up a timetable that must be followed upright. Ensure that proper time is devoted for the preparation of each subject, with separate time devoted for revision, mock tests and small breaks for rest and refreshment

3. Gather the Study Material – There are various reliable sources that must be trusted for IAS Exam preparation. This includes books, online websites and portals, newspapers, magazines, etc. Aspirants must have proper material for preparation purposes as only then can they proceed with comprehensive and detailed preparation

4. Look for Coaching, if needed – It is not mandatory to join an IAS Coaching. Preparing from home is also a feasible option. But in case, the candidate is new to the exam set up, unaware of how to prepare and new to the subjects included in the syllabus, joining coaching or IAS Academy is highly recommended

5. Choose the Optional Subject wisely – Scoring more in the IAS exam is the point to be focussed on. Thus, candidates must wisely choose the optional subject. Previous year trends, the vastness of the syllabus and the complexity of the subject must be considered while picking the optional subject

6. Do Not Over-Pressurise Yourself – The IAS post is extremely prestigious and the pressure of cracking the exam can get a bit overwhelming for the candidates. It is very important that aspirants do not take too much pressure as it will directly affect their preparation and affect their concentration level and dedication to qualify for the exam

7. Maintain Proper Notes – The topics and subjects included in the syllabus are quite detailed. It is recommended that for a structured and systematic preparation, making notes is highly important. Maintaining notes will also benefit in revision and for long term preparation. It also makes understanding topics easier as the language and tone used while making notes for self-reference is straightforward, with no complexity

8. Make Reading Newspapers a Habit – Current Affairs play a very important role in the IAS Exam. A lot of questions are asked in the prelims and mains examination that are based on national and international events of importance and reading the newspaper daily can keep you updated. It is also helpful as it will strengthen your vocabulary and be helpful in writing descriptive answers with correct facts

9. Solve Regular Mock Tests – To revise the entire syllabus at once and to know the exact exam pattern for civil services examination, solving mock tests is the best option. These are easily available online and candidates can solve them daily for free. Also, for a better understanding of the paper, candidates can refer to the previous year question papers and comprehend what type of questions are asked in the final examination

10. Set a Healthy Schedule – Not just setting up a schedule for studies is important, but also separate time must be dedicated to freshening up one’s mind by listening to music, going for walks or doing other activities to lighten up the stress. Proper care of health must also be taken for mental and physical well being and relaxation

All the tips mentioned above will help beginners start their preparation in a strategic manner. To get the detailed IAS Syllabus,candidates can visit the linked article and check out the subject-wise syllabus for the prelims and mains examination.Since the 2021 recruitment has already started, candidates who missed a chance this year kick start their preparation for IAS 2022.

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