
A Few Common Myths That People Believe About CBD


There has been plenty of information rather we will call it misinformation that is circulating about CBD. It seems many people are still nursing the belief that CBD is also a psychoactive compound.

When we call CBD psychoactive, it also implies, CBD can change our brain function and as a result, there is an alteration of perception, consciousness, mood, cognition, or behavior. Such compound can be medically used as an anesthesia, or one can use recreationally to create euphoria, etc.

Keeping this in mind, we have listed down 5 of the most common myths regarding CBD and tried to isolate the fiction from real facts. As you can see that by consuming any CBD gummies we can cure our variety of ailments. JustCBD Store is an authenticated store from where you can buy all kinds of CBD-based products.

1. CBD is illegal

The fact remains that today CBD is not at all illegal. The Cannabis plant produces more than 140 different compounds however, only 2 of them are considered:

  • Cannabidiol (CBD)
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Many people often get these two abbreviations mixed up and that resulted in the confusion that CBD is termed as illegal. Actually, THC is the only compound that is a psychoactive component.

2. CBD will get you high

Many who have taken CBD has found some amount of ‘uplifting’ effects on their bodies, while THC produces high. So we can say that CBD offers you the ‘body high’.

However, the fact is CBD can cure your depression and anxiety by interacting with our serotonin receptors of mind. This can uplift your feeling to a certain extent.

3. CBD good and THC bad

Since THC produces a high effect and hence it is considered illegal. Any CBD product containing more than 0.2% THC will also be considered illegal. However, it has to be understood that the pure form of CBD may not be as effective unless some amount of THC and other terpenes present in it.

Therefore, you cannot term CBD only as good and THC all as bad.

4. CBD effects will be noticed immediately

How quickly CBD will produce its effect actually depends upon the method of how it is going to be consumed. For example, if you take CBD oil drops under your tongue, then they may enter your system quickly as compared to any other method.

If you take any edibles then it has to go through your digestive system to reach your bloodstream after a long time.

5. CBD is your ultimate ‘cure’

While many people who have used CBD and have taken the supplement will always praise its benefits, however, you must remember that CBD as a product is not meant for fixing all your ailments, until it is backed up with a sufficient amount of evidence to prove it.

Researchers are still working on it and we are yet to know about its long-term effects.

While CBD has now been removed from Schedule I drugs lists, however, still it is not entirely accepted because of the stigma attached to its association with marijuana.

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