
Manage Your Business Website Better with The Accessibe WordPress Plugin


It is a legal requirement in some nations across the world that website accessibility should be available to everyone, including people with physical disabilities. In the first six months of 2018, at least 1053 lawsuits were filed in the Federal Court of law against web accessibility. This number is staggering and is a massive 23% spike from the past year.

As a business owner, you need to know whether your WordPress site meets the web accessibility standards or not. There are credible resources online for you to check this, or you have the option to go in for a website audit to determine the same.

With the help of the Accessibe WordPress Plugin, you are able to boost the web accessibility of your site with success. This plugin is simple to install, and it helps you to optimize the site for complete web accessibility. It works with the website code to make adjustments to the website UI and design. It enables better navigation contrast on color and text.

Get the benefits of automatic adjustments

In addition to the above, you can get automatic adjustments when it comes to the use of screen readers. You are able to get updates on compliance monitoring every day. The plugin also audits your site for web accessibility every 24 hours. It helps you know when issues in accessibility arise and enables you to freely focus on core business tasks with success.

Advantages of web accessibility for your WordPress site

WordPress accessibility is important to every owner of business websites, not only from the credibility point of view but also from the ethical point of view. It should include everyone from all walks of life, including people with physical disabilities. WordPress tends to take the subject of accessibility seriously, and the following reasons are why-

1. The updated and new code issued on WordPress should comply with the guidelines laid down by the WCAG according to The WordPress Accessibility Coding Standards. Besides these requirements, you should note it is not a one-way obligation; you should take steps to enhance the accessibility of your site for better business advantages.

2. 15% of the population in the world has a form of physical disability. If you do not have an accessible website, you will lose out on several business opportunities as this segment will not be able to access your site and enjoy your products and services.

3. Google penalizes sites that are inaccessible, and this largely affects your search engine optimization ranks online adversely.

4. Besides people with physical disabilities, you are able to boost the user engagement experience for your site extensively. This means it is a win-win situation for everyone.

With the Accessibe WordPress Plugin,you are able to get better-targeted website traffic and consistent business growth online. Users will enjoy the experience of visiting your site, helping you to establish your credibility among users, which in turn boosts sales for your company’s products and services with success!

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